Apr 2009
6:07am, 11 Apr 2009
13,412 posts
As I don't plan on racing marathons for a while I don't plan on getting the new book, especially as I already have the previous one
Apr 2009
6:42am, 11 Apr 2009
123 posts
Basically from what i can see the 24 week programs have been dumped. Also on the 55mpw and upto 70mpw schedules there are no VO2 max intervals until 8 weeks out until which point lactate threshold runs are dropped instead for the odd week.
Apr 2009
11:07am, 11 Apr 2009
361 posts
What you training for at the moment Jacobi?
Apr 2009
11:22am, 11 Apr 2009
13,414 posts
halfs and below
Won't be racing a marathon yet until I can at least get under 1:25 for a half
Apr 2009
12:04pm, 11 Apr 2009
362 posts
Should'nt too long then.
Why under 1:25 if you dont mind me asking?
I've stopped doing Marathons as well and probably for alot longer. I've got a 6 month old daughter so havent got the time. Unless I get much quicker!
Apr 2009
12:47pm, 11 Apr 2009
5,208 posts
Thats a good tactic Jacobi. Simillar to me After my withdrawal fom my marathon this year decided to work hard at the shorter distances before going for the marathon again
Apr 2009
1:05pm, 11 Apr 2009
13,415 posts
Basically 1:25 seemed a sufficiently challenging target to put any thoughts of running marathons to bed for a good six months to a year while I set about trying to achieve it!
Although I now concentrate on shorter distances I still hit long runs regularly and am maintaining around the same kind of volume I was when marathon training, difference is now my body has adapted to be able to handle more quality workouts rather than just steady/easy running all the time. Hopefully by the time I actually do decide to run a marathon I will have enough endurance to actually race the marathon to some extent. I can race a half but a marathon is *sooo* long....
Getting faster at shorter distances is the way forward Pammie (I hope!) plus running fast is more fun I find
Apr 2009
11:51am, 13 Apr 2009
5,085 posts
I havnt been following the P and d schedules as such but have been using some of the principles. The main thing I have been doing is 2 x 10 ish miles per week (which I have been doing for a while now) but since Dec I have been doing the progressive runs on some of my long runs. Yesterday I set a HM PB by 4 mins, my previous PB was in Dec. I have changed a few other things about my training but think that the progressive runs have been really helpful
Apr 2009
2:49pm, 13 Apr 2009
5,231 posts
Hellen are the two 10 milers including long run or as well as?
Funnily enough out on my run today i was thinking as you do Last year prior to London i was doing my long run then two 9-9½ miles in the week. But this year i was doing 2 long runs a week midweek long run just as long as the Sunday run
so i was thinking which ones better and i don't want Harry Hill to sort it out cs i know whsat he'll say
Seriously though thinking about what i was doing last year even though i'm not M training anymore
Apr 2009
6:11pm, 13 Apr 2009
5,091 posts
The 2 10 milers are in addition to long run. One of them is a club run where I do a slow bit before then the club bit at not quite tempo pace. The other one doesn't always happen but is either on thur as part of intervals or sat the day before my long run