Nov 2008
9:21am, 4 Nov 2008
564 posts
B Rubble
I also heard someone say that the 1st Edition was a bit out of date on the nutrition/hydration so maybe that has been updated too. Anyway, I've pre-ordered mine.
Nov 2008
11:00am, 6 Nov 2008
959 posts
Marts, I had concerns about minimal speedwork as well. I found that doing an extra long warm up, and cool down before/after an intervals session with my club each week gave me a totoal of about 11-13 miles for the day and I subbed that for one of the medium long runs from midweek in the plan.
Nov 2008
11:02am, 6 Nov 2008
10,321 posts
Provided you do alactic strides twice a week - pace up to mile pace for 25 secs, you will still be in touch with faster paces.
Nov 2008
11:30am, 6 Nov 2008
468 posts
This has probably been asked before, but I'll be starting the 18 week schedules soon (50+ mpw) in P&D. I see they only recommend a couple of races at 10 - 15k prior to the marathon, but most folks seem to do a Half (me included). Any thoughts about keeping to shorter races to spare the legs and give the key race a best shot?
Nov 2008
11:31am, 6 Nov 2008
6,929 posts
I'm planning a half instead of one of the 15k races. I like to confidence of having a good HM time in the bag and the plans are only a guide.
Nov 2008
11:32am, 6 Nov 2008
10,325 posts
Provided the short race is around 10-15km should be fine. There's not much to gain from running a 5km as it won't really help your marathon training. The only race I did was a 10km race early on, you can always substitute a workout at marathon pace or threshold pace of around 10-15km instead of a race.
Nov 2008
11:35am, 6 Nov 2008
469 posts
Plans only a guide Homer? What do you mean?! Mine are written on tablets of stone! I might opt out of the Half this time, only because I've always done one before, so it's worth trying something new - plus I've never run a 10 mile race before.
Nov 2008
11:37am, 6 Nov 2008
10,327 posts
A 10 mile race would be a good threshold run too
Nov 2008
12:07pm, 6 Nov 2008
6,930 posts
I have a long history of running HMs better than 10 miles for some strange reason. I've 3 times set an unofical 10M PB in HM...strange
Nov 2008
12:55pm, 6 Nov 2008
568 posts
B Rubble
I'm the same Homer, my last 1/2 marathon I went through 10 miles in 1:06 when my 10 mile PB is 1:08. But I agree that a 10 miler is often a good sharpener and tends not to tire me anywhere near the amount that a 1/2 does.
One of the problems with P&D is the races are scheduled for Saturdays when most of the races in the UK are on Sundays. It often means doing your long run to Monday and therefore 2 long runs in a week.