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Advanced Marathoning by P&D Any tried the schedules?

86 watchers
Oct 2008
3:01pm, 3 Oct 2008
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paul a
Homer -without doubt.
Oct 2008
3:21pm, 3 Oct 2008
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high mileage for the marathon is probably 100+ a week

when you are training for a race that is 2-5 times longer than the distance of standard races HM/10km it is clear you will need to train more since the marathon is so long, however the mileage seems somewhat lower over the course of a week, when you take into account the long runs of 18-20 miles.

I think the only way to train successfully for the marathon on low mileage is to be very talented!
Oct 2008
3:32pm, 3 Oct 2008
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Good Post Stephen. Interesting to hear how you are doing, and you are doing very well.

When I followed P&D in May for my first marathon, I felt it got me as well prepared as I could be. I also really enjoyed the schedule,which helps a lot.

Since then I have followed a schedule in Daniels Running Formula and didnt enjoy it as much. I didnt actually finish following the schedule as I overtrained and went back to something more straightforward. During this time I changed from hr monitor training to pace training. Im now back hr monitor training as I feel this works better for me, even though Im actually training at a faster pace. I was using a hr monitor while using P&D.

I can remember how confident I felt while doing P&D, you have just reminded I need to get RR4SR.
Oct 2008
3:35pm, 3 Oct 2008
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Keefy Beefy
I would say for amateurs Joes like us, 70 is high. If you're doing more than that and a full-time job you're definitely in the obsessive category. Which is fine, of course.

I guess at the moment I'm interested in getting the maximum gain from the most efficent combo of running. Being "optimal" as P&D like to say! At the moment, I get faster times every year by hitting 50 pw. I think when I plateau, then I might go for a higher mileage approach like P&D.
Oct 2008
3:54pm, 3 Oct 2008
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Jack Daniel does place a heavy emphasis on lowish quantity and high quality in terms of a lot of fast pace running-I have felt that in the past when using the schedules which is why I don't use them at the moment.
Oct 2008
6:06pm, 3 Oct 2008
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I use a similar weekly training basis to SP. I'd fit in the club interval session on a Tuesday after a long warm up and long warm down, giving me a long run/VO2 combo session. It worked very well for me while training for Paris. I'd love to know where I'd be now if I'd been able to keep training all summer, but injury set me back a good few months. I'm now base training using P&D Road Racing book as a guide and it's obvious the higher mileage is still in my legs. I've easily stepped back to 50mpw, and will build up to 60mpw over the next month before I start my next P&D schedule. I'm hoping to manage the 90+mpw schedule this time round as I think there is no substitute for having a large aerobic base on which to build your speed.

I got large gains at Hm and full mara from plenty of miles and tempo work and I'm hoping for the same again. I've picked the 24 week schedule this time as I'd really like to give sub 2:45 my best shot in April next year :)
Oct 2008
11:49am, 4 Oct 2008
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I still think I can get better results from the 55 per week, so I'll stick with that - though the question is how hard to train I think
Oct 2008
11:56am, 4 Oct 2008
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Ex-pat Scot
You can get great results from 55mpw. You need to be canny with the mix of sessions, and get other factors right (like course selection, race tactics, weight, mental stamina).

At the moment I hit 70 mpw a few times and am averaging around 55. For FLM 09 I might try and up that, and see how I get on...
Oct 2008
11:57am, 4 Oct 2008
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Its the weight for me at the moment....got to get it down BEFORE I start the big miles again
Oct 2008
8:39pm, 6 Oct 2008
First-time poster!!
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What a briliant thread, I've just come across this from a link on RW. Thanks Ian.

I had quite a few questions that have been answered already from looking back to page one and will find the reading back through intersting and imformative. There are a great number of comments, helpful suggestions and possitive thoughts about this schedule. I will look forwad to putting the schecdule to the test.

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