Apr 2008
10:05am, 16 Apr 2008
1,909 posts
what davie said, I'm may try their 5km schedule, just for scientific research you know
Apr 2008
10:09am, 16 Apr 2008
2,136 posts
I have been vaguely looking at P&D and picking bits out of it ... mainly the advice rather than the schedules, but think I will follow the schedule properly for an autumn marathon, in the hope of taking another 15 minutes off my time. The problem then will be fitting it around summer holiday etc.
Apr 2008
11:02am, 16 Apr 2008
124 posts
I've used the P&D "4 weeks in between marathons" schedule for FLM. Worked a treat and cut my PB by 11 mins. I also liked the sections on race day hydration and fueling. I'll be using one of their schedules for an Autumn marathon.
Apr 2008
6:37pm, 16 Apr 2008
1,911 posts
Great WP. I'm going to start it in 3 weeks from Sunday that will take me to the LFOTM (Hyde Park) in July. Next few weeks easy running or i may hang on and aim for the Barking Park 5km Bank holiday in August Decisions Decisions
Apr 2008
7:33am, 23 Apr 2008
16 posts
brighton belle
This week the plan has a race on Saturday followed by a long run on Sunday for me. The last time this was in the plan I struggled as I was very tired on the Saturday and attempted to do a 10k time trial but I couldn't even manage HM pace and gave up. This week I could do my long run on Saturday and a 10k race on Sunday. I know I won't get the same benefit as if I run a long run on tired legs from a race but is this better than probably doing a poor time trial and then my LR?
Apr 2008
8:50am, 23 Apr 2008
619 posts
I think the Saturday races are the only weak point on the schedules as most races are Sundays. If it helps, what I did in that situation was take a rest on the Saturday, run the race on Sunday and do my long run on Monday which would have been a rest day. Then back to the schedule on Tuesday.
Apr 2008
10:01am, 23 Apr 2008
3,343 posts
I didnt do the races as I was quite tierd., Instead I juggled the schedule around a bit and did a MP run as I felt that the schedule lacked MP runs. One of my probs on the day was pacing and running at MP cos I hadnt practiced it so I was all over the place, it didnt help that it was busy so lots of weaving in and out.
BB, if you are tierd I woudl be inclined to do a MP run instead.
Apr 2008
10:19am, 23 Apr 2008
17 posts
brighton belle
Thanks. I'm mainly tired from work - I have a long commute plus often work long hours...gah! I'll have a look at my plan/diary and try to either fit a LR run in next Monday or jiggle it a bit and do another PMP.
Apr 2008
10:23am, 23 Apr 2008
952 posts
OOh! I've only just found this thread.
This morning I blogged:
Today (well, last night when I went to bed, actually) I have mainly decided that I will train for 10k's this summer/autumn. I will be basing my training on Pfitzinger & Douglas Schedules. I have updated my Fetch Training plan based on this:
So. 4 sessions most weeks. Tuesday - Club effort session (instead of P& D's stated intervals),
Wednesday - Medium Long run at sub 70 WHR Friday - 6 miles including Tempo run at HM pace Sunday - Long run at 65-70% WHR
Some of the Sunday runs will be replaced by races, as will the occasional Wednesday & Friday.
Now all I have to do is to shake off this dratted injury
Apr 2008
10:45am, 23 Apr 2008
8,078 posts
I've got 4 weeks (or 3 and 6 days to be precise) between my marathon this Sunday and my following one. Has anyone had any success with the P&D 4 week 'between marathons' plan?