Apr 2008
10:22pm, 8 Apr 2008
127 posts
The 3x1 mile interval session was great. And I like the P&D intervals as they suggest a decent warm-up of 2-3 miles before each session. Strides are good, Ill do one more small set tomorrow.
Apr 2008
10:27pm, 8 Apr 2008
479 posts
Impossible is Nothing
I wimped out and did 6x800m but they were great on the back of tapering slightly.
Apr 2008
9:02am, 9 Apr 2008
151 posts
I have to say, I didn't enjoy the mile intervals at all. Too long for my liking. 1k is about right for an interval
Apr 2008
9:14am, 9 Apr 2008
589 posts
I liked the mile intervals, although I'm not sure about the closeness to the target race. It would have been good to have them earlier when you wouldn't be worrying about wiping yourself out doing them.
Apr 2008
9:14am, 9 Apr 2008
3,207 posts
I had never done mile intervals before so slightly whimped out. Instead I did 800,1600, 800, 1600. found the miles quite hard as I had no idea how to pace and set off too fast!
Apr 2008
12:52pm, 9 Apr 2008
153 posts
I considered whimping out but I think that's half the point - the mental aspect. Forcing you to do something difficult
Apr 2008
8:15pm, 13 Apr 2008
183 posts
Hope it all went well for everyone racing today. Plenty of pb's Im sure!
Apr 2008
9:46am, 15 Apr 2008
171 posts
I got a PB by over 11 minutes and finished in 2:47:27. This was slower than hoped/expected as I suffered with a stitch for the last 10km which slowed me by 5 minutes! I was on 2:42 pace up until 20 miles. I'm happy that the Advance Marathoning schedule worked well, the stitch was caused by me drinking too much. I think the book mentions somewhere the volume of liquid you can digest whilst on the move. Will need to re-read that before I attempt another marathon (which isn't going to be for a while). Still pleased though.
Apr 2008
10:47am, 15 Apr 2008
4,728 posts
I'll use the P&D next time for sure
Apr 2008
10:54am, 15 Apr 2008
3,260 posts
9.45 min PB but was hoping for a bit faster, will hopefully manage that at Edinburgh though. MY prob was that I made up for lost time at the start all in mile 3 and 4 so started to find it hard from mile 18 which I shouldnt have done cos I have done 7 runs longer than 18miles!