Apr 2008
5:01pm, 8 Apr 2008
175 posts
Good luck to anyone doing the FLM this weekend.
Ive got about 6 weeks before my marathon, so still got a few hard weeks to go.
Hows everyone finding P&D's taper?
Apr 2008
5:06pm, 8 Apr 2008
146 posts
Ian > taper is going well, although was a bit surprised to see a double session today. Taking it nice and easy. Got a 7m run tomorrow with 2m @ MP so hopefully that will give me an idea of whether my plan is achievable.
Good luck to other FLM runners
Apr 2008
5:10pm, 8 Apr 2008
177 posts
Stephen, A double session? I thought the 55 mile schedule was hard in the taper but thankfully no double for me in here.
Have you been tapering as the schedule suggests? When is your last run?
Apr 2008
5:24pm, 8 Apr 2008
148 posts
yes, been tapering as suggested. The strange thing about the double session is that I've not run one for a few weeks and then one crops up in the final taper week! Last run is Saturday - I seem to recall reading somewhere in the book that they recommend continuing to run the same number of days as normal. The body likes routine and breaking the routine may do more harm? My final rest day was yesterday.
Apr 2008
5:26pm, 8 Apr 2008
126 posts
I've not followed the taper - I like to get a few rest days in during the build up. Have to say it hasn't worked well yet - lots of niggles (now gone) plus a sh*t run yesterday, then a sore throat today. Didn't see the point of the double session today.
Apr 2008
5:40pm, 8 Apr 2008
588 posts
Well I've followed the full P&D 18/70, and completed my race and have to say I'm delighted with taking 15 minutes of my previous PB. I'm going to use their 5 week recovery schedule now and I think I'll try the 18/90 for an autumn marathon.
Apr 2008
5:43pm, 8 Apr 2008
3,205 posts
I havnt followed the taper cos I been too knackered,
Apr 2008
7:02pm, 8 Apr 2008
179 posts
Well done DavieC. Impressive pb.
Shows it works, Hopefully I'll get good results too.
Apr 2008
7:34pm, 8 Apr 2008
478 posts
Impossible is Nothing
I've more or less followed the taper. What worked well for me was reducing mileage but still doing strides and a couple of interval sessions (one of which instead of the 8k/10k race suggestion). I liked this because I have got quite sluggish on my few previous attempts at tapering.
DavieC - good advertisement for P&D. I'll be happy if they bring me in 28 seconds slower than you!
Apr 2008
10:00pm, 8 Apr 2008
149 posts
The strides are great. Final strides session is on Friday. They make sure you don't forget how to run quicker. I had the 3 * 1 mile intervals last week, THAT was hard work.