Mar 2012
5:22pm, 4 Mar 2012
1,352 posts
juat over 20 for me today, in the wind and rain, but was happy with pace, Steady ish week next week with a half mara pb attempt on Sunday, then 2 big weeks in lead up to Brighton
Mar 2012
6:59pm, 4 Mar 2012
732 posts
26.2 for me today in the rain. Not planned as I was going to take my bike while OH ran Cambridge Boundary, but say there was a half option. Met Anna Finn up there and some how ended up running/walking with her and catching up. A lovely relaxed run. Met alot of Fetchies and had a great time.
Mar 2012
8:23pm, 4 Mar 2012
34 posts
12.5 this morning puts me on 25 for the month......A quarter of the way there......although i'm really sore today and will need a day off!!!!
Mar 2012
9:19pm, 4 Mar 2012
11,784 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget
Right. I have thawed out from this morning's 13 miler, survived hospital visiting and emptied the ironing basket (except for one fitted sheet) so it must be time for a list
The group now stands at 84 members with 12 new members. Welcome all!
I've decided to just put aside a case of this month for those bang on target: Ultra Sparkly Bridget annadav tipsku Dawdles BishopLenBrennan Zeb
A goodly number of people can have some for exceeding their expectations: Nelly111 Vancouver Jogger Yorkshire Pie Johnny Blaze RunningInCircles SuperDave! run-forest-run lozza Maclennane ChrisHB northernslowcoach sheri3004 GuyG kstuart Flip Flop Old Man Goofee FRU (KeepTheFaith) Seagrave The Terminator becca7 activeight _andy Dowse Flipster Grumpydirtbag Magpie Rob trendy runner Foxy Davy Toks Mark J Non-runner Jon_T Pedro _Perez Aitken&TaitsDad caw Max71 runFattyrun PeterG arbster Dick Spandex GlennR LythamRUnner Ultra Kazzaaaaah!! Alex B djwatson74 FitterStu R4R runningmumof3boys Cluaran DaveRayment Looby Loo Andyglos RuthB2 Naive Steve Joopsy DickyF running26 peegee DeeGee zuistu Mouseytongue chewitt
A to cheer up those injured, poorly or hunting for a mojo: Mr. K. louismaxy Sazzahazza Mrs Winkle monsenb 1 Fizzy Lesley C Jobe Bob! southendal Scout240 beginner1 gribb0 CornishEva Kenny_Boy
Mar 2012
9:22pm, 4 Mar 2012
9,694 posts
Aww thanks for this USB, have another
look after yourself as well as everyone else x
Mar 2012
11:32pm, 4 Mar 2012
3,918 posts
I appear to have kicked myself out an now my name's no on the list I've rejoined.... Can I come back in please
Mar 2012
5:48am, 5 Mar 2012
1,143 posts
Thanks USB, loving the bubbly and quite happy to share
Mar 2012
6:54am, 5 Mar 2012
11,785 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget
I did wonder where you were Smout! Welcme back
Mar 2012
7:58am, 5 Mar 2012
1,488 posts
USB - Thanks for the roundup Everyone else - well done
Mar 2012
8:55am, 5 Mar 2012
9,844 posts
Thanks for the update - there are a lot of us!
23 so far, and just over 300 for teh year. Feeling good.