Dec 2012
3:34pm, 6 Dec 2012
49,390 posts
I still can't get my head around the fact people run marathons while struggling to run 100 miles a month. I'm not even 5km fit on 20 miles a week.
Dec 2012
3:42pm, 6 Dec 2012
7,287 posts
Do many people run marathons on 100 miles a month?! (Sorry, I haven't read the thread back)
This will be my 1st 100 mile month in like, practically forever this month (hopefully) This might be my new home. Oh. It's the end of the year. Never mind lol, I can join in more next year
Dec 2012
3:45pm, 6 Dec 2012
6,763 posts
Mrs Winkle
Well, people clearly do run marathons on 100 miles a month. Might not be ideal, but seemingly doable.
Dec 2012
3:48pm, 6 Dec 2012
7,288 posts
Just curious really- if you do a couple of long runs a month and 2 mediumish long ones- say 16,10,18,10, you've nearly hit the monthly mileage already. You do quite a lot more MrsW when mara training I know. I just wondered how people broke it down, I only ask out of curiosity as I'll never be able to get my mileage over 100 a month, so assumed a marathon would never be possible.
Dec 2012
4:00pm, 6 Dec 2012
49,393 posts
Not possible in my world, no desire to
a. get round
b. hurt myself
GF - I guess as MrsW points out it is doable but for you what would it prove? You have become a rather good cyclist and are managing to do some running. Do you really need a marathon ?
Dec 2012
4:03pm, 6 Dec 2012
10,919 posts
A rather good cyclist indeed!
Dec 2012
4:04pm, 6 Dec 2012
5,995 posts
As you say, it just depends what your expectations are. I'll never train hard enough to to do much more than get round but I still get satisfaction from finishing and setting new PBs (or I used to when I used to 'race') I've run 3 marathons but only ever managed 100 miles in a month twice.
Dec 2012
4:05pm, 6 Dec 2012
7,289 posts
No no no I don't. I was just being a little curious. I have absolutely no plans whatsoever to do any marathons. Even a half marathon is pushing it as I can't train properly. I'm mainly going to be a 5k and 10k runner with a couple of 10 milers here and there (I want to do Maidenhead) But mainly a cyclist, that's my main thing of course, but I am enjoying doing some running too.
Dec 2012
4:12pm, 6 Dec 2012
49,394 posts
GF - I ran a half off my mileage, it was stupid :¬)
DG - I guess that is it. I know how much I trained for my PBs so I would get no satisfaction from jogging round a marathon and definately wouldn't appreciate the DOMS that told me I hadn't trained enough.
Dec 2012
4:14pm, 6 Dec 2012
6,764 posts
Mrs Winkle
If I'm going for a PB, I train as hard as I can - but my first couple of marathons were done on pretty low mileage. It's not something I'd recommend (I nag Mr W almost continuously to get out and run!) but sometimes a case of needs must I suppose.