Nov 2012
8:45am, 27 Nov 2012
10,860 posts
Careful on that bike then. Just don't look around and you'll be fine!
Nov 2012
7:55pm, 27 Nov 2012
8,484 posts
Phew! looks like the 100 will be saved for November.
First three weeks of the month = 38 miles. Last seven days = 58 miles. Now that's more like it. Poised to hit another century tomorrow.
Nov 2012
7:56pm, 27 Nov 2012
49,302 posts
funnily enough this may become a realistic target for me next year
Nov 2012
9:12pm, 27 Nov 2012
22,765 posts
Old Croc
sneaked it after a week off!
Nov 2012
9:14pm, 27 Nov 2012
1,051 posts
Currently on 182 my highest month ever with a few more runs to go scary and exciting at the same time
Nov 2012
9:45am, 28 Nov 2012
12,641 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB)
Gobi - you'll be very welcome
I intend to get at least 7 done tonight before Masterchef so that I only need to do 6 on Thursday. There I've said it so I'll have to do it!
Nov 2012
6:31pm, 28 Nov 2012
190 posts
Naive Steve
well done to all those who've already reached three figures, and a helpful kick up the arse to those that haven't!
I tip-toed over the line today, and it looks like being my lowest total of the year in spite of doing my longest run ever of 40 miles! Unfortunately since then a couple of slight niggles and then a stinking cold nearly prevented me reaching the magic hundred.
In fact if it hadn't been for this thread I don't think I'd be back running yet, and I'm so glad I am back. So thank you fellow threadites for giving me the movitation to get out there
Nov 2012
6:34pm, 28 Nov 2012
49,317 posts
LOL USB, only fun these days. It was often a weekly target back in the day
Nov 2012
8:00pm, 28 Nov 2012
89 posts
I'm up to 133 now after tonights 10.5 but last months Norfolk Ultra fatigue still seems to be there slightly
Nov 2012
8:28pm, 28 Nov 2012
12,645 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB)
Not as many miles as I intended but 8 in 2 days should be possible