Sep 2012
1:07pm, 13 Sep 2012
12,400 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB)
I remember a run like that in my early days. Me and another newbie with a 'shepherd' to look after us. The other lady was wearing flared fitness trousers and as they got soaked they kept falling down
*waves to SS*
Sep 2012
1:32pm, 13 Sep 2012
1,911 posts
Watford Wobble
Any chance USB the runner with flared fitness trousers is still running and could I be the tail runner for her?
Sep 2012
4:12pm, 13 Sep 2012
12,401 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB)
I don't think she stayed around long and if she is still running I'm sure she has learnt her lesson.
You'd have enjoyed the view of the lacy thong I had when I was shepherding beginners one week
Sep 2012
7:38pm, 13 Sep 2012
922 posts
Sep 2012
3:10am, 14 Sep 2012
763 posts
Silver Strider
*waves back* to USB
I fell off a ladder today and landed in a heap having slid down a fence. One side of my body has some Fence Rash and I took skin of my foot in a couple of places too. Not ideal preparation for Sundays Einstein marathon in Ulm, Germany.
No running today, but instead I paddled my kayak a little before work and then had a swim in the sea ( just to really make me scream). Salt water is good for cuts and grazes? Right!!
Anyway the thought of running was far from my mind but as i finished my medicinal swim I realised I was sharing my company with a seal who was about 10 - 15 metres away from me. Quite surprising really as they don't usually frequent this part of the coast.
We kept a respectable distance from each other and paid each other undivided attention. Way better than any run and i felt quite privalidged
Just goes to show falling off ladders is not all bad
Sep 2012
1:07pm, 15 Sep 2012
743 posts
Passed the 100 mark this morning with a slow & sleepy 26.
Sep 2012
2:57pm, 15 Sep 2012
10,432 posts
Yorkshire Pie
18 to take me to 83. Given I've got a 20 mile race next Saturday I think I'll make it
Sep 2012
5:08pm, 15 Sep 2012
924 posts
SS ppl would pay lots of money to swim with a seal. Lucky you
Sep 2012
5:12pm, 15 Sep 2012
744 posts
Activeight: Go camp at Waxham in Norfolk. I have never been there and not swum with seals. It would be a shock NOT to see them
Still find it cool to share the water with them though Particularly when they suddenly pop up a few feet away.
Sep 2012
10:01am, 16 Sep 2012
14,136 posts
Fenland Runner
Job done with two weeks to spare, currently reside on 105 miles in September and that doesn't include cheating by running marathons