Sep 2012
8:23pm, 11 Sep 2012
1,494 posts
Mark J
Up to 12 tonight, just.
Sep 2012
1:17pm, 12 Sep 2012
6,505 posts
Mrs Winkle
After a slow lunchtime plod on tired legs, I'm up to 71 for the month. We're at a wedding this weekend, then flying off to NYC on Sunday so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to do over the next week or so.
Sep 2012
5:33pm, 12 Sep 2012
8,252 posts
A more normal month (i.e. no injury) and up to 65 already. Saturday's race is over 40 miles, so September is looking good.
Sep 2012
5:43pm, 12 Sep 2012
14,108 posts
Fenland Runner
79 miles in the bank this month and feeling fitter and faster than any other month this year, perhaps that's the positive effect of not running long for a few weeks?
Sep 2012
6:43pm, 12 Sep 2012
1,495 posts
Mark J
Not going to get out tonight and off to Italy tomorrow for 5 days, I think September is a big fat failure for me.
Sep 2012
8:53pm, 12 Sep 2012
2,051 posts
That's not the attitude Mark, PMA required!
Either that or a big dose of HTFU when you return
Sep 2012
9:20pm, 12 Sep 2012
53 posts
101 for the month now, but backache is not helping
Sep 2012
2:58am, 13 Sep 2012
762 posts
Silver Strider
Hi Guys,
Belated thanks to USB for the usual rituals and routines over the past couple of months. I have kind of updated my log for the last couple of months and it won't change any listings sadly.
some gooood mileage going on from the pack leaders and some serious cba going on from others. Where ever you sit on that continuum my suggestion is run when you want to, don't run when you don't want to, and in both cases change your mind if you are not enjoying it.
I have just taken a little time out to remind myself what it is I like about running, fortunately I didn't spend much time making myself run when I didn't want to or couldn't. Conversely I have learned to accept that I cant always run when I want or need to.
The net result?????
I am back running sometimes, always with a smile and about 50 miles for the month so far.
MJ - last time I checked there was no law against running in Italy :-P...... But if you don't you will only need to run for 30 mins each morning and evening when you get back and you could hit 100 - if you feel inclined to do so and you are enjoying it
Sep 2012
9:15am, 13 Sep 2012
1,496 posts
Mark J
Thanks Jon T and Silver, most sensible and profound advice. I have packed my running gear just in case. Although we are tied up with wedding shinnanigans most of the weekend. Maybe I won't throw in the towel for September just yet.
Sep 2012
10:11am, 13 Sep 2012
917 posts
Very wise words SS. I'm not sure everyone enjoys it, but I certainly am atm.
Got totally soaked last night. I enjoy running in the rain but it was biblical last night. It was funny back at the club watching everyone return with clinging t/shirts and shorts. I think we should have had a wet t/shirt competition