Jan 2012
2:57pm, 11 Jan 2012
5 posts
Oh, running homw from work tonight . 5 miles.
Jan 2012
3:00pm, 11 Jan 2012
5,615 posts
Mrs Winkle
I've passed half way for the month. Huzzah!
Tunbridge Wells eh Naive Steve? That's where I grew up *hazy fond memories*
Jan 2012
3:54pm, 11 Jan 2012
12 posts
Naive Steve
Mrs W, I'm sure little has changed - everyone's still permanently disgusted. That said I'm sure if you ask nicely they'll allow you back in sometime.
And well done on getting to half way already!
Jan 2012
4:20pm, 11 Jan 2012
45 posts
3 miles of the half way point but that should be resolved on Friday. No run tomorrow as I'm off to that there London for the day with work
nice to see you on the same thread again Lytham I am hoping to make the Fleetwood half again this year as it was my best run last year even with the hail and wind in August
Jan 2012
6:31pm, 11 Jan 2012
11,503 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget
Hello djw Great to see so many new people here. Can you add yourself to the group up there ^^ Helps me keep the monthly round up organised
Jan 2012
8:49pm, 11 Jan 2012
12 posts
Two great sessions today, 7 for lunch and 5 for tea put me on 74 for the month.....need a couple of days off to recover now!
Jan 2012
8:52pm, 11 Jan 2012
6,972 posts
I'm just past 60 at 4.9% of my annual target. It always takes ages to get to 50, and then it takes ages to get to the 100. That's how it seems anyway. This month looks like being high mileage.
Jan 2012
8:53pm, 11 Jan 2012
10,355 posts
FRU (KeepTheFaith)
Just past 50 today... am happy with that
Blinkin heck Flipster - way to go!
Keep it up all.. I am plodding steadily on
Jan 2012
9:51am, 12 Jan 2012
1,219 posts
Short but tough hill sprints last night, have managed to relocate my lungs and looking forward to my lunchtime plod. which should take me to around 48 for the month. With another 5-6 tomorrow and 17 planned for Sunday, I will be well on the way for January's total.
Good luck Mrs W with your early season marathon, and well done to all those smashing the miles out
Jan 2012
11:04am, 12 Jan 2012
5,618 posts
Mrs Winkle
I had a bugger of a run last night - my legs were wrecked, shin muscle on my right leg seized up at 1.85 miles and I couldn't get above 9 minute miling. I gritetd my teeth and ended up doing 11.2 miles at an average of 8.20mm in the end. Those are the runs that count of marathon day I reckon! Anyway, no more running until Saturday's 20 miles now.
Well done ChrisHB, FRU and Jon T! And blimey Flipster - impressive!