May 2012
3:20pm, 10 May 2012
428 posts
It's going to be a close one for me as well. I took 8 days off after VLM and Manchester Marathons, and May was always going to be a lower mileage month as I won't be marathon training again this year. I'll just see where I get to.
May 2012
4:53pm, 10 May 2012
819 posts
On 31 miles for may. Am loving my training atm
May 2012
5:54pm, 10 May 2012
78 posts
Thanks for the list, USB.
34 in May so far. Might struggle after the marathon next weekend though.
May 2012
6:28pm, 10 May 2012
12,057 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget
Only on 7 miles so far as had a few days off after MK and then got an achy heel/ankle/ It seems almost gone today but will give it another 24 hours to be on the safe side
May 2012
2:20pm, 11 May 2012
160 posts
Looby Loo
Think it will be close for me this month too as feeling tired and finding it tough...
May 2012
3:26pm, 11 May 2012
215 posts
55 for the month so far and considering an ultra in Sept which will mean I will have to remain focused! Key word in that sentence is 'considering'!
May 2012
4:03pm, 11 May 2012
10,012 posts
Yorkshire Pie
Should be past 50 by the end of the weekend so pleased with my progress this month
May 2012
8:21pm, 12 May 2012
1,691 posts
Still no miles to report, hoping to get a few in tomorrow if feeling better
May 2012
8:44pm, 12 May 2012
8,042 posts
only 38 so far for May, but with four races (and a recovery week) as part of that, so can't complain. Next weekend's race is quite long, so will take me over the 100 mile target with time to spare.
May 2012
4:09pm, 13 May 2012
9,868 posts
Still struggling to get going again after Manchester. Spent most of this weekend asleep Think I've accepted May is a bust, only on 20 miles and not much running planned