May 2012
9:07am, 7 May 2012
807 posts
Joopsy - thats frustrating. I hope it mends quickly.
Max. Sorry to hear that.
I've just checked my training plan for the next 10 weeks. Into build phase now and I'm glad I didn't look at it at the start of my training. It's gonna be tough what with work and kids and just life in general. Still, if it doesn't kill me it will make me stronger!
May 2012
9:14am, 7 May 2012
6,520 posts
You will get stronger Suzie.
May 2012
9:19am, 7 May 2012
810 posts
Thanks Joops. Have you got to have a scan to see the extent of the stress fracture? I had a bad one a few years ago as a result of changing my heel strike to a mid foot landing - big mistake. Unfortunately it was at the widest part of the tib so took ages to get back into running. Didn't stop me swimming though
May 2012
9:45am, 7 May 2012
6,521 posts
No. Just told me complete rest for at least four weeks. So I went to see thanks Happy Mondays last night and jumped around like a loon!
May 2012
9:47am, 7 May 2012
811 posts
Lol. I bet that did it the world of good!! Still, it has to be done
May 2012
5:47pm, 7 May 2012
1,582 posts
Sorry to read your news Joopsy and Max.
Slow start mileage wise for me, just 11 so far .... But pretty speedy pace-wise with a 5k PB today!
May 2012
6:14pm, 7 May 2012
14,725 posts
Johnny Blaze
Good show! I'm seeing the happy Mondays in July. I know nowt about them except one dances and one's a daft Manc Chump!
May 2012
9:35pm, 7 May 2012
12,048 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget
And finally ..........................
Welcome to Ski our one new member this month
4 way split on the : Yorkshire Pie Dowse Jon_T Fizzy
Others who had their on and made the mileage were: Ultra Sparkly Bridget Nelly111 Vancouver Jogger RunningInCircles SuperDave! run-forest-run lozza Maclennane ChrisHB northernslowcoach louismaxy GuyG kstuart Flip Flop Goofee FRU (KeepTheFaith) Seagrave The Terminator becca7 activeight annadav _andy Mrs Winkle Grumpydirtbag Magpie Rob trendy runner Foxy Davy Toks Mark J monsenb 1 Non-runner Aitken&TaitsDad caw tipsku Max71 runFattyrun arbster Dick Spandex BishopLenBrennan GlennR LythamRUnner Ultra Kazzaaaaah!! Alex B Bob! djwatson74 FitterStu southendal beginner1 Cluaran Looby Loo Andyglos RuthB2 Naive Steve Joopsy DickyF Running26 DeeGee Mouseytongue chewitt Smout Slow and Steady markwinds Ski
Those needing to a bit more are: Johnny Blaze Mr. K. sheri3004 Old Man Sazzahazza Flipster Pedro _Perez PeterG Dawdles Lesley C Jobe runningmumof3boys Scout240 gribb0 CornishEva DaveRayment Kenny_Boy peegee zuistu Zeb farawayvoices Silver Strider
And of course *hugs* for Joopsy, Max and anyone else injured or poorly
May 2012
9:36pm, 7 May 2012
12,049 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget
That should have been
May 2012
9:37pm, 7 May 2012
891 posts
Thanks USB always enjoy these lists and hitting the target of course !!