May 2012
10:52am, 1 May 2012
2,730 posts
Vancouver Jogger
Morning USB The fact that you do it at all is greatly appreciated. Thursday will be fine Just make sure it doesn't drag over into Friday
May 2012
11:30am, 1 May 2012
12,032 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget
May 2012
12:17pm, 1 May 2012
26,820 posts
Foxy Davy
Just 80 taining miles but was saved by 3 marathons, a 50km & a Park run
I should be ok in May ?
May 2012
12:31pm, 1 May 2012
6,498 posts
I reckon a late start to May for me as at least another 3 days of rest required for these old legs! Should be okay once I get going though.
May 2012
1:13pm, 1 May 2012
1,578 posts
Late start from me too in May .... after a bumper two-marathon end to April. Am going to enjoy a light couple of weeks - but should make the 100 with a bit of hard training in the last two (and a bit) weeks of the month. Good luck everyone.
May 2012
1:39pm, 1 May 2012
4,249 posts
MAde it ok for April but May is definitely the month I may need kicked. Doing better than I thought though with 3rd wee run post marathon an 4(.25!) on the May board
May 2012
1:50pm, 1 May 2012
10,324 posts
that 0.25 counts!
May 2012
2:20pm, 1 May 2012
799 posts
Joopsy - How did your wee run go at the weekend?
May 2012
2:23pm, 1 May 2012
7,998 posts
He was awesome active8 - check out his acclaimed, prize-winning blog
May 2012
2:25pm, 1 May 2012
10,327 posts
how was yours, andy?