Apr 2012
6:37pm, 12 Apr 2012
671 posts
My shortest commute is exactly 6.2miles which is handy. Nice picturesque undulating route via my old school xc course & stately home and woodland
In the winter I stick to lit roads, its 9 miles and dull. do it twice a week when possible.
Apr 2012
7:11pm, 12 Apr 2012
11,945 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget
Got myself up to 53 miles today
Apr 2012
7:24pm, 12 Apr 2012
3,556 posts
I commute up the stairs
100 looks shakey this month, Brighton at the weekend should take me to 68,but previous experience tells me 32 for the rest of the month might he ambitious
Apr 2012
11:08pm, 12 Apr 2012
1,551 posts
80 for me with a 13 miler tonight.
Regularly run a route from home that goes past work and back ... but haver never ran the commute.
Apr 2012
7:20am, 13 Apr 2012
14,242 posts
Ultra Kazzaaaaah!!
I would run home occasionally if I had someone to run with. Not running through dodgy areas on my own
Apr 2012
8:08am, 13 Apr 2012
9,935 posts
Yorkshire Pie
I do it sometimes but find it easier to carry stuff on the bike (plus I'm more likely to do both directions on the bike and not need the bus) so I tend to do that.
Apr 2012
8:30am, 13 Apr 2012
611 posts
100 a month always looks daunting Marathon Month. I have 60 in the run bank but after Brighton Sun I wont be moving for a couple of days .. hopefully squeeze a couple of miles out next weekend. To take me over 100.
Apr 2012
10:48am, 13 Apr 2012
1,550 posts
36-38 after Sundays Brighton mara sems a long long way off at the moment based on previous years, but will do what I can to at least get close.
Apr 2012
11:41am, 13 Apr 2012
11,947 posts
Ultra Sparkly Bridget
The thing to do is run your marathon on the last weekend in the month
Apr 2012
12:13pm, 13 Apr 2012
870 posts
On 40 at the mo so must kick myself up the arse........................Shakespeare marathon on the last Sunday should be good !!