Jan 2012
9:17pm, 6 Jan 2012
3,367 posts
Ooo I didn't think of it like that - 7 an a bit more lies an I'll be halfway to my first ever 100 miles in a January :). Was only planning 6 with the buggy on Sunday after a rest day.... Hmm....
Jan 2012
9:18pm, 6 Jan 2012
3,368 posts
Lies! I think I need to give up - dunno how many thread an blog comments ive done with typos tonight DEFINITELY blaming the equipment. Touch screen must need cleaned.......
Jan 2012
9:40pm, 6 Jan 2012
7 posts
went out for a nice 5 - 6 mile run tonight, but my mind wandered and befor i knew it i was back home with my garmin telling me i'd jogged 10.5!! there must be some truth to the rumours of good results after taking a day off!!
Jan 2012
9:39am, 7 Jan 2012
44 posts
My 10 miles turned into a 7 this morning due to excess fat and no sleep last night. On the + side got 31 in now for Jan and it's only the 7th Yay! so the first 100 in the first month on 2012 still look on.
Weather is perfect here cold but very mild and perfect when warmed up. I just need to shred the Christmas flab and get back into my LSR's we have the Paris Marathon booked for April 15th and I'm finding it hard to get a good 10 miler in.
Jan 2012
11:02pm, 7 Jan 2012
1,429 posts
Howdy y'all!
I managed 9 months over the 100 last year so am hoping to go the whole hog in 2012! Have a slight injury at present so not running as hard as I would be normally - but still hoping to do it!
Good day today, with 7 miles of fell run/walking with friends this morning and a steady 10k on the treadmill at the gym tonight. Bacon butties in-between too .... !
Jan 2012
11:15pm, 7 Jan 2012
1,229 posts
Just signed up, for the 3rd year........this time I will do it! 3rd time lucky?
Jan 2012
11:20pm, 7 Jan 2012
25,382 posts
Foxy Davy
halfway there
Jan 2012
7:45am, 8 Jan 2012
1,397 posts
Vancouver Jogger
Six months done already FD !
Jan 2012
7:53am, 8 Jan 2012
522 posts
Not quite halfway, but should hit it Tuesday. (For the month!!!)
But the first good long run of the year yesterday puts me close.
More importantly it's the first marathon distance run since tearing my left soleus. Nice slow and easy morning run. Seeing as nearly all my mileage comes from one long weekend run when I am working, it is a good sign for the year to come.
Jan 2012
1:45pm, 8 Jan 2012
649 posts
4.5 mile XC, running club race.
That was hard work. Enjoyed the stream and muddy puddles. Managed a sprint finish and passed a runner in the process.
On 33 for the month.
Good running all